Why you developed your sensory children’s puzzle ”Tappeto sensorial“?
This sensory children’s puzzle was born from a brief given during my first year at university: to create a toy following the principles of the Montessori method. Two years later I took up the project again, developing it and making it more attractive to children. The key word was ”simplicity“, to teach simple gestures and concepts to a child you need something equally simple and functional, so I made sure that my toy was as clean and clear as possible.
Have children been able to play with your puzzle? If so, how did they react?
Unfortunately no child has been able to play with the sensory puzzle yet.
Is there something else you want to tell us about your ”Tappeto sensorial“?
There are basically three important concepts behind this puzzle/carpet:
The first purpose is to teach the child a gesture that seems simple to us adults but can be very complicated for him. Fastening a button in fact requires a lot of precision, the right coordination and the right energy, the only way to make this gesture automatic is to repeat it.
The second aim is to develop the child’s sense of touch through the materials sewn onto the carpet tiles and to create a connection between the button gesture and the materials of the clothes.
The last concept of this sensory puzzle is that the child can create a personal space to play on and thus identify that square as the space to play.
Now, ”Tappeto sensorial“ is still a protoype, but what are your plans for it in the future?
Right now I don’t really have a plan for that. I would like to produce it, to find someone who has the means to make it as a product in its own right and also I think there is still margin for it to develop.
Are there other products that you produce specifically for children?
Together with two other designers, I have created a hand sanitiser exclusively for children. It is a cloud-shaped object that allows children to learn, play and at the same time sanitise their hands. You can find it on my Behance.
And last but not least – tell us something about you Luca and your career. Where and what did you studied and what was particulary formative for you?
I’m 23 and I have just graduated in product design at ISIA Rome Design, now I’m looking for a job to increase my experience and improve as a designer. In these years of study I have been able to explore many areas of design and I am very passionate about communication and graphics also applied to the product. As you can see, there is also a very important graphic component in my sensory carpet. It has been particularly formative to have had the opportunity to investigate several design disciplines, from photography to 3D and 2D graphics and product design, designing for all kinds of fields.
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